Field Builder / Zaalwacht
If you are classified, please be present at 19:00, to help the organization with the construction of the fields.

Filling in the competition form:
Before the match, fill in the competition form at the race secretariat.
If necessary, have a new player card made and provided with a passport photo.
For the women’s/men’s class and the mixed class, different cards have to be made.

Access to the hall:
Do not interfere with playing teams, so only enter the hall when there is no more play on the dressing room side. If there is still play on the adjacent field, playing with the ball is not allowed.

Before the match:
Check match form and player cards with the referee. The first team on the form provides a counter. The second team has 1stchoice of serving or court side.

Minimum 10 min. Report to the race secretariat before the race.
If desired, a supporting referee may be added, who can advise the head referee

Contest Protocol:
We play 3 sets with a total match time of 1 hour. End of sets at 25 rally points with a difference of 2 points.
Also end of set after signal from match control if playing time has elapsed. (End of 1stset 30 min. before end time match. End of 2ndset 15 min. before the end time).
1 time-out may be requested per set. During the last 5 minutes (buzz signal) of the match, no time-out may be requested and no substitution may be made. (injuries excluded). Final score is the position at the time of the final whistle. If that is a tie, the rally must be completed or 1 more rally must be played.


After approval of the referee, 6 substitutions may be made per set. A substituted player may only be substituted in his own position. 
On the reserve bench, max. 6 players take a seat. (turning in is not allowed)

Hiring players:
It is allowed to use players from a lower or the same league. Players from a higher league are allowed to play under certain conditions (see match rules on the website).

Different rules:
Foot fault:
As soon as a player (partially) crosses the halfway line with his foot, the referee must blow the whistle.
Away ball:
If the ball or a player enters the adjacent field of play, the whistle must be blown for an away ball.

Fill out the competition form, sign it and hand it in.
Last teams to play together clean up fields and intermediate nets.